Nouveau Support Pack MS0U : Queue and topic dashboard utilities
Un nouveau SupportPack développé par Grail Software Solutions.
C’est un plugin de l’Explorateur WMQ qui permet de déposer et consommer des messages :
The Dashboard features can be used to extend the WebSphere MQ Explorer or run in their own Eclipse. The Queue Dashboard allows messages to be generated (PUT) on a queue and consumed (GET) from the queue. The message rates can be viewed graphically in various formats.
The Topic Dashboard allows messages to be published (PUB) on a topic and subscribers to receive (GET) publications on a topic. Initially each Topic Dashboard has one publisher and four subscribers, and further subscribers can be started. The message rates can be viewed graphically in various formats.
The QDepth feature is a very simple extension to the WebSphere MQ Explorer to display the current queue depth of a selected queue.