Sécurité WMQ : Un nouveau Support Pack !
IBM annonce ce jour la sortie d’un plug-in pour l’Explorateur WebSphere MQ :
WebSphere MQ Explorer changes to the Authorization and Tests Plug-ins to enhance security features.
The following WebSphere MQ Explorer plug-ins are included in this SupportPac.
- Authorization Service Infopop Plug-in
- Authorization Service Plug-in
- Authorization Service Tests Plug-in
- Tests Plug-in – Core Test Set
- Explorer documentation Plug-in
The Authorization Service Plug-in changes involve:
- Outputting the setmqaut commands which correspond to the new and changed authorities requested on the existing authorization panels. (UNIX and Windows queue managers only). These can be copied and pasted elsewhere.
- A new panel to add role-based authorities for all queue manager objects.
The Tests Plug-in changes involve additional tests, and enhancements to existing tests, which help the customer to determine whether their authorization and channel security is configured as it should be.
Possible Uses
- Using the Explorer to generate valid command-line authorization (setmqaut) strings, which can be used in UNIX or Windows scripts and on the command line. They also have educational value.
- Faster and more convenient set-up of role-based user and group authentication.
- More information about possible issues with the security configuration of a queue manager, both involving authorization and channel configuration.
à tester d’urgence !